Anyone seeking training and education on the laws and
policies that impact Native (American Indian and Alaska Native)
women victims of violence in the United States. No prior experience
or training necessary.
A 10-week course covering tribal, state, and federal laws
and regulations impacting the lives and safety of Native women.
Course will cover the crimes of domestic violence, sexual
assault, and stalking.
Virtually anywhere! This course is available to anyone who
has regular access to a PC computer or Macintosh computer
with reliable access to the Internet. The computer needs to
have either Internet Explorer 5.0 (or higher) or Netscape
Navigator 4.77 (or higher). You can take the course from home,
school, or work. You will not need to travel or leave your
community to benefit from this course.
January 21-March 24, 2004. Students are expected to login
to the class a minimum of 2-3 times per week (anytime, day
or night) to participate in discussions, download required
readings, and submit assignments.
MORE INFORMATION, OR TO ENROLL, VISIT: www.uclaextension.edu/tribal
or call (310) 206-6671
Sarah Deer, J.D., Staff Attorney, Tribal Law and Policy Institute.
You can contact Sarah directly at 323-650-5467 or sarah@tribal-institute.org
$515 for 10 week course. If you have never taken a course
from UCLA Extension before, you can receive a $25 discount.
Special note: Tribal governments who receive a grant from
the Office on Violence Against Women are pre-approved to use
their grant training funds to pay for this course.
All students will need a required course reader, which will
be available for purchase online. Cost is not expected to
exceed $25.
This course is available for 4.5 units of college credit.
You will need to check with your home institution to determine
whether this credit is transferable to your own school.