Online Newsletter Celebrating Native America
1, 2011 - Volume 9 Number 11
by Paul and Vicki
to Indians of the Midwest, Past and Present
When the American public is presented with media accounts,
public policy, and school curriculum concerning Indian people,
the reaction may be curiosity, confusion, and even skepticism.
How can we obtain a better understanding of such information?
This site addresses this question by highlighting recent research
of scholars who have provided new insights about the cultures
and histories of Indian peoples in the Midwest. Academic research
can show how modern-day issues have roots in regional history
and culture and provide necessary background for understanding
contemporary issues.
My Relations Arts
All My Relations Arts honors and strengthens relationships
between contemporary American Indian artists and the living
influence of preceding generations, between artists and audiences
of all ethnic backgrounds, and between art and the vitality
of the American Indian Cultural Corridor.
Lunch Notes
Although encouraging notes from home, folded into a sack lunch,
are not a new phenomena, it is a trend that is exploding.
In fact, some moms are buying cutesy stationary and pre-fab
note cards to slip between the peanut butter sandwich and
apple. Today's sites, however, all offer free lunch note templates
you can download and print yourself.
Up: Free Printable Lunchbox Notes
Buttoned Up (started by three sisters and a best friend in 2004)
is a site dedicated to living an organized life. On this page,
they have two sets of lunch notes. The first is for kids seven
and under, with simple text and big illustrations. The second
is for kids eight and over. These use a wordier approach, and
can be used to remind kids to take out the trash when they get
home, or remind them of a babysitting obligation.
Creations: Free Printable Lunchbox Note Cards
"Hope you are having a great day!" "Where did
you get all that cuteness?" Cap Creations is an online
jewelry store with an associated blog filled with all sorts
of crafty, mommy things: these colorful lunch notes among them.
To print them out, click on the image, then right-click to open
in a new browser tab, and print. In addition to these notes,
there are also lunchbox joke cards and bible verse notes. Look
for those links (in green) right after the photograph showing
these note cards cut and on a platter.
School Lunch Notes
Chickabug is an Etsy store featuring personalized paper and
party goods. These free printable lunch notes are offered on
their blog. There are four pages of them: two in boyish colors,
and two in girly colors. Each pair includes one set with pre-printed
messages, and the other completely wordless so you can craft
your own message. "You make me smile when ..." "I
am proud of you because ..."
Lunch Notes
Pinterest calls itself an "online pinboard" and is
a cross between a micro-blogging platform, photo sharing site,
and social bookmark manager. This collection of hundreds of
lunch notes was created by dozens of users. You will notice
there is some repetition, but even so, there are lots of good
links to be discovered. Click on the thumbnail to visit the
pin. From there, you will be able to click through to the bookmarked
Rockets: Lunchbox Notes
"Small love notes tucked inside a lunch box or book bag
can really bring a smile to your child's face. In addition
to reinforcing reading skills, you're also modeling the power
of writing. " These beautiful note papers feature artwork
by well-known children's book illustrators, such as Julia
Denos, Henry Cole, and David Small. They are fun and whimsical,
and will surely be a hit with your young reader.
What is Halloween?
Boo! Happy Halloween! It's that time of year again, when goblins
and witches roam our streets in search of trick-or-treat candies.
But, what exactly is Halloween? This week's sites explore
the origins of the holiday and how Halloween celebrations
have changed over the years.
This two-page mini-site lacks illustrations, but has a spooky-looking
design that suits its subject. This article covers the story
of the Jack O'Lantern ("The term is not particularly common
outside North America, although the practice of carving lanterns
for Halloween is.") and the history of Halloween costumes.
"Costuming became popular for Halloween parties in America
in the early 1900s, as often for adults as for children. The
first mass-produced Halloween costumes appeared in stores in
the 1930s when trick-or-treating was becoming popular in the
United States."
is Here: Halloween History
Halloween is Here tells the story of Halloween, including why
we bob for apples, wear masquerade masks, and why witches ride
on broomsticks. "The witch is a central symbol of Halloween.
The name comes from the Saxon wica, meaning wise one. When setting
out for a Sabbath, witches rubbed a sacred ointment onto their
skin. This gave them a feeling of flying, and if they had been
fasting they felt even giddier." Other sections of the
site offer rancid recipes, ghost stories, costume ideas and
safety tips.
"Straddling the line between fall and winter, plenty and
paucity, life and death, Halloween is a time of celebration
and superstition. It is thought to have originated with the
ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when people would light
bonfires and wear costumes to ward off roaming ghosts."
History.com presents Halloween with links to related topics
such as History of the Jack O'Lantern and full-length video
episodes about monsters, vampires, and Dr. Frankenstein.
Patches and More: The History of Halloween
Although the font makes this Pumpkin Patches and More article
look as though it is only for young kids, it is appropriate
for all ages, as it is well-written and includes a bibliography
of sources and references, including one from the University
of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's Center for Celtic Studies. "Since
much of the history of Halloween wasn't written down for centuries;
some of it is still sketchy and subject to debate. But the most
plausible theory is that Halloween originated in the British
Isles out of the Pagan Celtic celebration of Samhain. It goes
back as far as 5 B.C. It was believed that spirits rose from
the dead and mingled with the living on this day."
Ghost Tales: The History and Origins of Halloween
For older students and grownups, True Ghost Tales focuses
on the spooky side of Halloween with stories about ghosts,
vampires, ghouls, witches, and monsters. This article about
the origins of Halloween, tells about its Celtic origins,
and also explores (see the links at the bottom) the history
of trick or treating and the wearing of costumes. "Halloween's
origins go all the way back to Ancient times with the Celtic
festival of Samhain. This was the Celt's version of a New
Years Eve celebration honoring the end of summer and harvest
time, and marking a period of cold, darkness, and death of
winter. Celts believed that this end of the year time marked
the time in which the barrier between the living and the dead
became thin."
History of the Internet
On October 29, 1969, the first transmission over the ARPANET
computer network was sent from UCLA to the Stanford Research
Institute. Although the system crashed after sending just
two letters (first "L" then "O") this
was the beginning of the communication revolution that became
to be known as the Internet.
History Museum: Internet History
This illustrated time line from the Computer History Museum
(of Mountain View, CA) starts in 1962, and continues until
1992. In the sixties, the AT&T Picturephone (imagined
in 1939, and displayed at the New York World's Fair in 1964)
is the phone company's vision of the future of communications.
"But the four-year old Advanced Research Projects Agency
(ARPA) of the U.S. Department of Defense, a future-oriented
funder of ?high-risk, high-gain' research, lays the groundwork
for what becomes the ARPANET and, much later, the Internet."
MBA: History of the Internet
Although this infographic doesn't convey the detailed information
available at the other sites, its visually appealing format
makes the data easy to understand. Scroll down for a snapshot
of major events in the Internet's history, such as the launching
of Hotmail in 1996, and the standardization of Wi-fi technology
in 1999. The infographic can also be embedded in your own
website or blog. Just grab the code at the bottom of the page.
McManus: A Short History of the Internet
Sean McManus, a British technology author, gives us a one-page
time line of the Internet's development that takes us from
1969 ("The first node is connected to the internet's
military ancestor, ARPANET.") to 2010 ("In February,
Facebook announces it has 400 million active members. That's
larger than the population of the US and UK combined.")
Related blog posts include A Short History of File Sharing
and A Short History of Bands Online.
Revisions: The History of the Internet in a Nutshell
This one-page Internet history is also in time line format.
It's spiced up with illustrations, and published by Six Revisions
(a blog for web developers). At the bottom of the post are
links to related content that includes The History of Web
Browsers (an infographic) and links to external sources for
more research into the history of the web. "In 2003:
Skype is released to the public, giving a user-friendly interface
to Voice over IP calling. Also in 2003, MySpace opens up its
Howe: A Brief History of the Internet
"When the late Senator Ted Kennedy heard in 1968 that
the pioneering Massachusetts company BBN had won the ARPA
contract for an 'interface message processor (IMP),' he sent
a congratulatory telegram to BBN for their ecumenical spirit
in winning the 'interfaith message processor' contract."
Walt Howe, webmaster and librarian, tells an "anecdotal
history of the people and communities that brought about the
Internet and the Web," and answers the frequently asked
question: Did Al Gore invent the Internet?
Hero or Villain?
In recent years, a variety of groups have argued that Christopher
Columbus was responsible for genocide against Native Americans,
and semantically, didn't "discover" anything at
all! Check out the following websites for arguments both for
and against the celebration of Columbus Day, and then ask
yourself the question, "Was Columbus a hero or a villain?"
Rand Center: The Christopher Columbus Controversy
This letter-to-the-editor, by Dr. Michael Berliner of the Ayn
Rand Center for Individual Rights, has been published in a variety
of newspapers. In it he argues that honoring Christopher Columbus
is akin to honoring Western civilization. "It was Columbus'
discovery for Western Europe that led to the influx of ideas
and people on which this nation was founded ? and on which it
still rests. The opening of America brought the ideas and achievements
of Aristotle, Galileo, Newton, and the thousands of thinkers,
writers, and inventors who followed."
Christopher Columbus Biography
This two-page Columbus biography includes a section (on page
two) about his status as a hero. "Columbus' legacy is a
mixed one. He has been credited for opening up the Americas
to European colonization as well as blamed for the destruction
of the native peoples of the islands he explored." The
transfer of ideas, people, plants and diseases between the New
and Old World had both benefits and downfalls. The European
horse allowed Native Americans to switch from a nomadic lifestyle
to a hunting model, but Old World small pox killed millions
of Native Americans.
Columbus Day
In this online debate, Contender won against Instigator (by
a vote of 49 to 44) with his defense of the celebration of Columbus
Day as a national holiday. You can follow their debate rounds,
which include links to articles and YouTube videos, but the
debate is over, and voting is no longer allowed. In response
to Instigator's charge of genocide, Contender replied, "My
opponent again must prove malicious intent in celebrating Columbus
Day. Even if a hundred genocides occurred, if he cannot prove
harmful intent in celebrating the holiday, then he cannot win
the round."
Columbus Controversy
"There are three main sources of controversy involving
Columbus's interactions with the indigenous people he labeled
'Indians': the use of violence and slavery, the forced conversion
of native peoples to Christianity, and the introduction of a
host of new diseases that would have dramatic long-term effects
on native people in the Americas." This History.com article
concludes that Columbus Day "continues to be an important
way for all Americans to learn more about the Age of Exploration
and the enormous transformations it provoked."
Human Evolution
The science of human evolution is called physical anthropology
or paleoanthropology. These scientists study ancient fossils
in their search for what makes us human. The first discovery
of modern paleoanthroplogy was the skull of a Neanderthal
man in 1856 in a valley east of Dusseldorf, Germany.
Human Beginnings
"Just over three million years ago, an ape in Africa began
to walk on two legs and took the first step on the long road
to civilization. Along the way, we discovered flint tools, fire
and farming. But what is it that makes us truly human?"
BBC has a great collection of articles (just click your way
through the section headings to find them) as well as games
and quizzes (look in the left-hand column under Prehistoric
Life and in the right-hand column under Related Links.)
The Institute of Human Origins is a research and education institute
now associated with Arizona State University. Start with the
Interactive Timeline feature, that takes you back seven million
years to explore evidence found by paleontologists all around
the world. The oldest discovery on the time is the skull nicknamed
Toumai, and found in 2002 by Michel Brunet and his team in Chad.
For printable classroom handouts and online games, visit the
Learning Center.
Built as a companion to the seven episode 2001 PBS television
series, this site still has lots of valuable content. Whether
you explore via the "For Students" link or jump into
any of the episodes from the front page, you'll reach the same
videos and related web activities. For a newer version of the
website (which includes full video from more recent shows),
click on the "Visit NOVA's new evolution site" banner.
Be sure to watch Early Humans in Pop Culture. "For 150
years, pop culture has offered distorted images of our ancestors."
Introduction to Human Evolution
"Human evolution is the lengthy process of change by which
people originated from apelike ancestors." From the National
Museum of Natural History, this mega site is chock-full of goodies
for both students and teachers. This page is a short introduction
to human evolution and paleoanthropology. Other great clicks
are the Mystery Skull Interactive, Fun Facts ("While other
primates are furry, human skin is exposed to the elements.")
and a clickable human evolution glossary.
Berkeley: Understanding Evolution
"The central idea of biological evolution is that all
life on Earth shares a common ancestor, just as you and your
cousins share a common grandmother." Understanding Evolution
is a collaboration between the University of California Museum
of Paleontology and the National Center for Science Education.
It includes an online course (Evolution 101), a searchable
archive of articles and tutorials, and teaching materials
for grades K-12 and college undergraduates.
Students And Teachers Against Racism
announces their new website that offers insight into the Native
American perspective to teachers and educators.
Winds Advocacy Center
Through presentations, classroom sessions, curriculum, fund
raising, charitable works, and multi-media efforts, we seek
to raise public awareness of the stereotyping, discrimination,
racism and other unique situations facing Native Americans.
Canku Ota is a free Newsletter
celebrating Native America, its traditions and accomplishments .
We do not provide subscriber or visitor names to anyone. Some articles
presented in Canku Ota may contain copyright material. We have received
appropriate permissions for republishing any articles. Material
appearing here is distributed without profit or monetary gain to
those who have expressed an interest. This is in accordance with
Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107.
Canku Ota is a copyright ©
2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,
2011of Vicki Lockard and Paul Barry.
The "Canku Ota
- A Newsletter Celebrating Native America" web site and its design
is the
Copyright ©
1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009,
2010, 2011 of Paul C. Barry.
All Rights Reserved.