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(Many Paths)

An Online Newsletter Celebrating Native America


July 12, 2003 - Issue 91


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Opportunities - Page One


Here you will find listings of:


  • Positions Available - including Fellowships and Internships;
  • Scholarship, Award and Grant Information; and
  • Event Announcements.

We receive these announcements from various sources including Harvard University Native American Program (HUNAP) and NativeShare


To view additional listing from previous issues, click here Opportunities Button



Three Day Training on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Three Day Training on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
September 24-26, 2003
Co-sponsored by:

UW Fetal Alcohol and Drug Unit
UW FAS Diagnostic and Prevention Network
Indian Health Services

Seven service providers working with Native Americans will be selected by the IHS Headquarters in Rockville, MD. The training session is open to service providers who work with Native Americans (physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, advocates, case managers, nurses, parent activists, teachers, chemical dependency counselors, lawyers, judges).

Costs for travel to and from Seattle, airport transfers, and some meals are the responsibility of the participants or their organizations.

Costs for registration, lodging for 4 nights and most meals will be paid by the UW Fetal Alcohol & Drug Unit through a contract with IHS. Transportation will be provided to and from the designated training hotel to the different training sites each day.

This small-group training session involves interacting closely with the other trainees, as well as the training faculty. Participants should plan to attend all 3 full days of the training session, including hosted meals, and stay 4 nights at the designated training hotel in order to facilitate group collaboration.

  • Day 1 at the Fetal Alcohol and Drug unit: Understanding FASD and preventing and overcoming secondary disabilities in people with FASD across the lifespan.
  • Day 2 at the Parent-Child Assistant Program: Preventing FASD with the Birth to 3 Advocacy Model for working with very high-risk mothers and their families
  • Day 3 at the FAS Clinic: Demonstration of a multidisciplinary FAS Diagnostic Clinic and relevance for community interventions, parent advocacy, and prevention.

Training Faculty:
Ann Streissguth, PhD, Kieran O'Malley, MB, Therese Grand, PhD, Susan Astley, PhD, and others from the Fetal Alcohol and Drug Unit and the FAS Diagnostic and Prevention Network.

Send a letter of application (one page or less) providing a description of your past experience related to FAS and your plans for utilization of this training in Native American communities. Deadline for applications is August 15, 2003.

Please fax to Dr. Echohawk at (301) 480-2151 or email:

Marlene Echohawk, PhD, Project Officer
Health Science Administrator
Alcoholism & Substance Abuse Program
IHS-ASAPB, Suite 605
12300 Twinbrook Metro Plaza
Rockville, MD 20852
Phone: (301) 443-2589

Please pass the word about this training! For more information about the training faculty, please check out the following websites:

The Fetal Alcohol and Drug Unit

The Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Diagnostic and Prevention Network

Flashing Blue Bar


Miss Cherokee Leadership Competition

The Cherokee Nation is now accepting applications for the Miss Cherokee Leadership Competition. "We look for someone with outstanding leadership qualities and someone who can be a role model for young people,"... The purpose of the Miss Cherokee Leadership Competition is to identify youth leadership to represent the Cherokee Nation. The selected candidate will serve as a goodwill ambassador and messenger to promote the government, history, language and culture of the Cherokee people. If you are interested come check it out at:

Deadline July 25

Flashing Blue Bar


YOUTH PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT - AmeriCorps*Tribal Civilian Community Corps (TCCC)

The AmeriCorps*Tribal Civilian Community Corps (TCCC) is currently recurring native American youth 18-26 years of age to join our ten month program in Hoopa, CA.

The TCCC is a ten-month, residential program that offers a variety of trainings, job experience, and the chance to travel throughout the Northwestern Region. Some of the projects that the TCCC completes is building homes for low-income families, renovation of historical buildings, planting trees in previously burned areas of the forest, and working on several other Indian reservations and communities in California.

When participating in the program a member will receive a living allowance, reside on the campus, tackle a variety of challenging tasks, serve with twenty-five other Native youth, and gain skills that will last them a lifetime.

To learn more about the Hoopa Tribal Civilian Communtiy Corps should call us toll-free at 866-255-TCCC or check out our website:

Now is the best time for them to secure a spot in the program. The program will begin on July 14, 2003.

Flashing Blue Bar


Illinois Readers ... Protect Illinois Bald Eagles


WHEREAS, the bald eagle symbolizes strength, independence and grace, and has been the central symbol used in the Great Seal of the United States since 1782 and in the state seal since Illinois was a territory in 1809, and

WHEREAS, Illinois is home to the largest population of wintering eagles (more than 3,100) in the continental United States, and despite facing extinction only a few years ago, bald eagles can now be spotted in dozens of sites across the state, especially along the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers, and

WHEREAS, at least 27 Illinois counties generate tourism revenue through eagle-watching, and

WHEREAS, among the greatest threats to our eagle population is commercial development in their age-old winter refuges, such as the proposed bulldozing of eagle habitat on Plum Island near Starved Rock State Park,

THEREFORE, I, the undersigned, urge all concerned public officials to do everything possible to make Illinois an "eagle-friendly" state by protecting these magnificent birds from predators, including developers.

Click here to sign online Petition

Flashing Blue Bar


Karuk Tribal Court Judge

The Karuk Tribe of California requests proposals for the Karuk Tribal Court Judge. The contractor is expected to be a licensed attorney who can practice in California and demonstrate experience and/or education in the field of Indian and Federal Law. The Tribal Court Judge will administer and preside over the Karuk Tribal Court, as well as supervise the staff and operations of the Karuk Tribal Court. The Karuk Tribal Court will ensure procedures and operations of the court comply with the Karuk Constitution, Karuk tribal ordinances and rules, and will hear cases and render appropriate judgments.

For a complete Scope of Work and a list of Respondent Requirements, contact Sara Spence at the Karuk Tribe Administrative Office located at 6423 Second Ave., Happy Camp, California, 96039 or by phone at (800) 505-2785, extension 2010. In accordance with the Indian Preference Act of 1934, (Title 25, USC, Section 47), and the TERO Ordinance (93-0-01), Indian Preference will be observed.


The Karuk Tribe of California requests proposals for the following Scope of Work required for Karuk Tribal Court Judge.

Task One - Administrative Responsibilities:

  • Institute fair and impartial court system
  • Assist with supervision of personnel
  • Assist in directing administrative duties among court staff
  • Assist in developing funding sources
  • Assist in maintaining accurate accounting system
  • Assist in developing in-house training for court staff
  • Assist in developing necessary court rules
Task Two - Major Responsibilities:
  • Provide general legal council for the areas of Family Law and ICW matters not transferred to Tribal Court
  • Management of the Court
  • Coordinate with other tribal systems, state and national organizations
  • Preside over court proceedings in specific areas including, but not limited to, Employment Law/TERO, Real Property, Indian Child Welfare, Family Law, and Probate
  • Develop policies and procedures for court proceedings and court staff duties
  • Maintain knowledge of current case law, Federal, Tribal, and State law
  • Attend training sessions as required
Task Three - Specific Duties:
  • Sign court documents, vouchers, purchase requisitions and leave slips
  • Complete case dispositions
  • Assign associate judge cases and court docket responsibilities as needed
  • Meet with Tribal Council and Oversight Committee as needed
  • Assure that court schedule runs smoothly and efficiently
  • Assure that judicial officers maintain respect due to the Court
  • Monitor court officer conduct to maintain respect to the Court
Responses to this Request for Proposals should include the following:
  1. A statement of qualifications, including relevant project history and American Bar Number, as well as a detailed statement of experience working with the Indian population.
  2. A proposed approach and rational for completion of the contract tasks described above, including descriptions of similar work previously completed and the results/benefits achieved.
  3. A lump sum price, with attached hourly rates for administrative duties, judicial obligations, training and travel.*
  4. Names and telephone numbers of three client references.
Responses must be hand, mail, or fax delivered to:
Sara Spence
Karuk Tribe of California
64236 Second Ave.
Happy Camp, CA 96039
(800) 505-2785 Extension 2010
Faxes will be accepted at (530) 493-5322

In accordance with the Indian Preference Act of 1934 (Title 25, USC, Section 47) and the Tribal Employment Rights Ordinance
(TERO), Indian Preference will apply in the selection process.

*Note -- Mileage will be calculated from the base site of the Karuk Tribal Courthouse in Yreka at the current federal rate of .36¢ per mile for travel to the Happy Camp and Orleans sites.

Flashing Blue Bar


Federal Affairs
Government Affairs Associate

The National Mental Health Association is seeking a highly motivated, detail-oriented associate to join federal affairs team. Responsibilities include legislative research, advocacy coordination, and administrative support. Successful applicant is college grad with strong background in government, public policy, health care or related field; work experience in legislative affairs or for an association; strong computer skills, and excellent written/oral communications. Salary commensurate with experience.

Please email resume, cover letter, and writing sample to NMHA, Attn: AK at or fax to 703-684-5968. No phone calls.

Flashing Blue Bar



2003 2nd annual Guiding Eagles nationwide Indian youth talent contest

Entry deadline is December 29, 2003.

There are three age groups

  • 6-9
  • 10-13
  • 14-18

Categories are: Writing, Art, Singing, Music, Dancing, Music/Drumming groups, Dance groups, Singing Language, and Spoken language.

Volunteer judges are needed.

For more information about this contest visit the website at: or (Karon) or (Sue) or
call 1-866-480-0635

Flashing Blue Bar

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  Canku Ota is a free Newsletter celebrating Native America, its traditions and accomplishments . We do not provide subscriber or visitor names to anyone. Some articles presented in Canku Ota may contain copyright material. We have received appropriate permissions for republishing any articles. Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monetary gain to those who have expressed an interest. This is in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107.  

Canku Ota is a copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 of Vicki Lockard and Paul Barry.


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