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(Many Paths)

An Online Newsletter Celebrating Native America


May 3, 2003 - Issue 86


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Opportunities - Page One


Here you will find listings of:


  • Positions Available - including Fellowships and Internships;
  • Scholarship, Award and Grant Information; and
  • Event Announcements.

We receive these announcements from various sources including Harvard University Native American Program (HUNAP) and NativeShare


To view additional listing from previous issues, click here Opportunities Button



Women Of Color (event)

Native Women,

The Ladies of Gamma Alpha Omega Sorority, Inc. at HSU and the Womyn's Center are organizing the first annual "Women of Color" conference. Their goal is to provide young women (new college students and high school students) with the necessary knowledge to help them overcome obstacles often faced women of color, such as race, ethnicity, cultural background and sexual preference. They would like to invite Native American women to present a panel or workshops (individually or as a group) which would address different aspects of understanding to become a successful woman in
today's society. Examples of workshop/panel topics could include ( but not limited to) :

  • Student workshop focusing on what current college students went through before going to college and how they managed to get where they are
  • Panel of professionals with a university degree that will give the participants a chance to ask questions
  • Women of color in the media
  • Women's struggle/oppression

This seems like a very worthwhile conference and it would be great to have a native women's presence and voice there. If you are interested talk to other native women about organizing a panel or workshop and then contact Carolina Tercero at 826-9732/ or

Flashing Blue Bar


Five Year Paid Media Internships coupled with a college scholarship

The Emma L. Bowen Foundation for Minority Interests in Media's West Coast office is currently accepting applications for five-year paid media internship opportunities in Los Angeles. The mission of the Foundation is to increase minority representation in the media industry by providing multi-year paid internships and scholarships to minority students. Students selected join a distinguished group of Scholars currently working at media companies across the country. Partner companies hire students to work every summer until college graduation providing both an hourly wage and matching dollars towards college expenses. Some internships are year-round opportunities.

To qualify, students must be college-bound minority high school juniors or seniors or college freshmen, have, at minimum, a 3.0 G.P.A., and an interest in varying aspects of the media (business, technical,creative). An essay, grade transcript, two recommendations from a teacher or counselor, and a student picture must accompany the application form.

The deadline for applications in Los Angeles is April 30, 2003. All submissions must be postmarked by April 30, 2003. An application is attached. Students may also download an application at or email or or call 818-655-5708 for an application.

Flashing Blue Bar



UC Berkeley is still taking applications from Native American high school juniors and community college students for the College Information Day being held on the UC Berkeley campus Friday, May 9, 2003. The College Information day is FREE and Registration begins begins at 10 AM. Session I will be from 1-5 and Session II will be from 6 PM to 9 PM. Students are invited to attend all day, both sessions, meals will be provided.

For applications, questions and more information contact: Bridget Wilson (510) 643-7902 or email

Flashing Blue Bar



American Indian Education Summer 2003 (July) Course Offering

AIE 380 Child Abuse/Neglect and the Law
(Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-5 p.m., July 7-11*, 2003).

This course is designed for both educators and health and human services providers. It includes defining and identifying child abuse/neglect, and addresses the question, "What constitutes 'reasonable suspicion' of abuse for mandated reporters?" The ethics, practice, and underlying theory of child abuse prevention, early recognition, intervention, and treatment will be covered, as well as mandated reporting, the Indian Child Welfare Act, and other legal issues. Multiple responders' perspectives will be introduced, including those of tribal governments and communities, county social services agencies, local law enforcement agencies, judicial systems, and foster care providers.

Instructor: Susan C. Cameron, Ph.D.
Dr. Susan Cameron, nationally renowned in cross-cultural counseling and multicultural education holds a PhD in Counselor Education from the Purdue University. She has been teaching American Indian Education courses for ITEPP for the past two years. Here is a typical student comment regarding what it is like to participate in one of Dr. Cameron's classes.

"I have never been able to learn so much through my teacher [and] through the relationships created with fellow students. This class will forever impact my life."

Community members wanting to enroll in this class should visit Humboldt State University's Extended Education web site at or call (707) 826-3731.

*Intensive 1-week format: The Indian Teacher and Educational Personnel Program (ITEPP) at Humboldt State University in Arcata, California is offering an American Indian Education (AIE) course in a one-week "intensive" format. We offer this format in an effort to minimize the impact on summer employment for regularly enrolled students as well as working professionals and interested community members. This course was conceived to meet the needs of the American Indian community and is particularly suited to professionals in that community whether inside or outside our geographic region. For information about our other course offerings relevant to Tribal professionals nationwide, visit our web site:

Address information:
Humboldt State University
1 Harpst Street
Arcata, CA 95521
(707) 826-3672
Fax (707) 826-3675

Philip Zastrow
Indian Teacher and Educational Personnel Program (ITEPP)
Student Services Coordinator
Humboldt State University
(707) 826-3672
FAX 826-3675

Flashing Blue Bar



For any and all tribal members who currently hold the bachelor's degree, I would like to invite you to consider continuing your academic career at Central Washington University, by applying to the master's degree program in Resource Management. There are still several openings available this coming fall for qualified students to participate in the Native American Graduate Fellowship Program. We are able to offer you full tuition and a monthly stipend for living expenses under a grant from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. No matter what you have majored in as an undergraduate, the graduate Resource Management curriculum will offer you a chance to get involved with learning the important concepts and skills in managing Indian lands and natural resources as well as dealing with archaeological issues, sacred sites, and other cultural resources.

For more information on these fellowships and how to apply, see:

For more information about the CWU Resource Management program, see:

Robert Kuhlken
Associate Professor
Department of Geography & Land Studies
Central Washington University
400 East Eighth Avenue
Ellensburg, WA 98926-7420

Flashing Blue Bar



Hello Everyone!

AAIP in conjunction with the University of North Dakota Inmed program will be hosting a PAW in November. This workshop is for all Native American undergrads who are wishing to pursue a degree in a health profession.

Carla Guy (Caddo)
Student Programs Coordinator
Association of American Indian Physicians
1225 Sovereign Row, Suite 103
Oklahoma City, OK 73108
Tel: 405-946-7072
Fax: 405-946-7651

Flashing Blue Bar



Target Stores and the Tiger Woods Foundation Restructure Start Something Scholarship Program for Young People

Deadline: Various
Target Stores ( and the Tiger Woods Foundation ( have restructured Start Something, a program that helps young people pursue their dreams and goals and encourages youth leadership and community stewardship.

The program is designed to help students identify their goals and choose and prepare for an Action Project based on one of those goals. Students then evaluate their efforts and prepare and give a presentation about their project to family and friends.

The program is set up as a series of ten two-hour sessions designed to be completed over ten [10] weeks, but it can also be done in a few weeks or several months.

Young people between the ages of 8 and 17 can participate in the program in two ways: as part of a group of students under the guidance of a teacher or group leader, or on their own through the program's Web site.

Participating youth who complete the program can apply for a Start Something scholarship ranging from $100 to $5,000 that can be used to help winners continue to pursue their goals. Examples include music lessons, sports camps, special educational programs, travel, and the purchase of equipment.

The scholarship program is available to young people in the United States (not including territories and affiliated jurisdictions). Scholarships are awarded three times a year, with applications due May 1, September 1, and January 1. Over the course of the year, the program will award scholarships totaling $300,000.

For complete program and scholarship information, see the Start Something Web site. RFP Link:

For additional RFPs in Children and Youth, visit:

Flashing Blue Bar



Greetings from Harvard MBA Admissions.

We would like to request your help in identifying high potential African American, Hispanic American and Native American students for our Summer Venture in Management Program (SVMP). This program seeks to expose talented minority college juniors to general management in the business world. During one week in June, at no expense to the student, Harvard Business School hosts these talented college students and provides teaching instruction from leading faculty, on campus housing and different seminars/events that introduce the students to business education. These students are immersed in a rigorous and stimulating classroom environment that mirrors the learning environment of Harvard's MBA Program. We encourage you to direct any interested students to the Summer Ventures in Management Program (SVMP) page on our web site:

Thank you for helping us invest in the future of these talented students.


Juan F. Jimenez
Assistant Director of Admissions
Harvard Business School

Flashing Blue Bar


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  Canku Ota is a free Newsletter celebrating Native America, its traditions and accomplishments . We do not provide subscriber or visitor names to anyone. Some articles presented in Canku Ota may contain copyright material. We have received appropriate permissions for republishing any articles. Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monetary gain to those who have expressed an interest. This is in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107.  

Canku Ota is a copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 of Vicki Lockard and Paul Barry.


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