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(Many Paths)

An Online Newsletter Celebrating Native America


February 9, 2002 - Issue 55


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  Here you will find listings of:  
  • Positions Available - including Fellowships and Internships;
  • Scholarship, Award and Grant Information; and
  • Event Announcements.
  • We receive these announcements from various sources including Harvard University Native American Program (HUNAP).
  • To view additional listing from previous issues, click here Opportunities Button


A scholars program established by the Tribal Hands United to Network and Determine Educational Resolve (THUNDER) Alliance, Inc. will sponsor an event to raise funds for American Indian students attending college/universities in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. The mission of the organization is to nurture the path of American Indian people who choose to pursue an education, while promoting a lifestyle imbued with American Indian values and beliefs. The scholars program is currently looking for applicants.

Now in its fourth year of operation, the program has already helped American Indian students from all over North Central Texas to assist with financial aid in attending an academic institution.

The THUNDER Alliance Scholars Program is overseen by the Board of Directors in collaboration with THUNDER Alliance Scholars Committee and forms part of a selection process to help with financial assistance to part-time and full-time students. There are two scholarships awarded, ranging from $250 to $500 per semester.

Only four percent of the American Indian population has a bachelor's degree. One of every three American Indian lives in poverty. In fact, just a half century ago, many young American Indians would not have gone to college, let alone be proud of their cultural heritage and the knowledge therein. The THUNDER Alliance Inc. has been supportive of both formal education and the incorporation of the culture for the past seven years and can see an expansion of students participating in achieving their academic goals. Our goal is to develop leaders to be educationally prepared, culturally based, and willing to use the skills in helping their own people and individual well-being.

The 4th Annual Benefit Scholarship Pow Wow will be hosted by Richland College in Dallas, Texas on Saturday, February 16, 2002. The event will begin at 2 p.m. and end at 11 p.m. All monies raised for the event will go into the scholars fund and program. The head staff will be predominately college students from area schools. The program is able to help successful applicants with books and expenses and is open to American Indian students.

More information on the Scholars Program or the Pow Wow is available by contacting Lillie Redbird at:

MEDIA CONTACT: Joseph Bohanon at:

Flashing Blue Bar
ANHC seeks cultural advisors

(Anchorage, AK) - The Alaska Native Heritage Center (ANHC) is currently seeking Alaska Native elders, tradition-bearers, and experts to serve as members of the Council of Cultural Advisors. The council was recently established by the ANHC Board of Directors to serve as a resource to ensure the accuracy and quality of the Center's programs and educational activities.

"The Programs and Policy Committee provides oversight and guidance to staff on all aspects of the Center's programming and cultural content," stated Vernon Chimegalrea, ANHC's Cultural Outreach Director. "With the Council of Cultural Advisors, we hope to develop ongoing contact with many people who can share their expertise, experiences, and insights about their Native culture. In the course of developing new programs or activities, the ANHC staff will call on cultural advisors to seek their guidance and input."

Chimegalrea added that the goals in establishing the council are to increase participation by Alaska Natives across the state in guiding the Center's development, as well as to add breadth and depth to the programs and activities presented by the Center.

The council will consist of individuals from throughout the state who are nominated or volunteer to serve as an advisor in a particular area of interest or expertise. Occasionally, small groups of advisors will convene to help the staff plan programs or exhibits. In addition, the Center will host a gathering of cultural advisors once a year to benefit from group interactions and the cross-fertilization of ideas that comes from such a gathering.

Anyone wishing to serve as a cultural advisor or nominate another person should contact Chimegalrea at (907) 330-8021 or 1-800-315-6608 ext. 8021, via email at, or write to the Alaska Native Heritage Center at 8800 Heritage Center Drive, Anchorage, Alaska 99506.

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American University Washington Internships for Native Students Program



Native American and Alaska Native students are eligible for a summer program at American University in Washington, D.C. Students will have the opportunity to: intern in an executive federal agency, live in beautiful neighborhood on American University's campus, and enjoy social and cultural activities. Accepted students will receive free transportation to Washington, free housing in AU residence halls, a stipend for meals and living expenses, and free tuition worth 6 credit hours at American University.

Contact: American University Washington Internships for Native Students Program at or 202-885-4967.

Tami Buffalohead-McGill
Creighton University
Brandeis 111

Flashing Blue Bar



As you may know the George Warren Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis is ranked #2 for our Masters in Social Work program. What you may not know is that we offer full scholarships for Native students who plan to work in the Indian community upon graduation. These scholarships are called the Kathryn M. Buder scholarships, named after our generous donor. In addition to the full-tuition scholarship, students are provided a $750 a month stipend along with some money for books. Students do not need be enrolled in a tribe but need to show previous involvement in their tribal community or in the larger Indian community. Furthermore, they must have a commitment to working in Indian community upon graduation.

This coming Fall we have at least 4 scholarships available to incoming American Indian students. I am writing to ask that you help to advertise these scholarships. March 1 is the deadline for an interested student to have a completed application turned into us. Students will know by mid-April if they have been admitted into our program and if they have been awarded a scholarship. Please also note that GWB does not require or encourage the GRE. The next six weeks will go fast for students and I hope that if you know an interested student you can pass this e-mail onto them. If a student does not already have our bulletin or a Buder brochure, they can download an application at They can also learn more about the Buder Center at

Please spread the word! These scholarships afford students the possibility of obtaining an MSW from an outstanding university with outstanding resources for American Indian students. The Buder Center for American Indian Studies continues to strive under the leadership of its Director Dr. Eddie Brown, Pascua Yaqui/Tohono O'odham, and as we grow we have the added assistance of Assistant Director Dr. Gordon Limb, Winnebago. Currently the Buder Center is involved with work with ICWA (Indian Child Welfare Act), Title V-B (American Indian Foster Care), AIM-HI (Substance Abuse Prevention) and Diabetes Prevention (with the Tohono O'odham Nation).

Students have the opportunity to work on these grants for practicum credit or as a part-time job.

I would be happy to answer any questions that students may have about our program. I can also put them in touch with current students. Please assist by sharing this e-mail with interested parties. Or you may give me their name and contact number or e-mail and I can get in touch with them.

GWB has graduated close to 40 American Indian scholars on this Buder Scholarship. We hope to continue educating future American Indian leaders. Thank you for your assistance.


Ramona M. Connors, MSW
Assistant Director of Admissions
Buder Alumni
George Warren Brown School of Social Work
Washington University
One Brookings Drive
Campus Box 1196
St. Louis, MO 63130
Office: 314-935-6676 /Direct Line 314.935.6694
Toll Free (U.S. Only): 877-321-2426
FAX: 314-935-4859
Website: http://

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Advocates for Indigenous California Language Survival Present
5th Biannual "Language is Life" Conference


The 5th Biannual "Language is Life" Conference will take place March 8-10, 2002, from Friday afternoon until Sunday at noon, at the Marin Headlands north of San Francisco. The Marin Headlands has conference rooms and dormitory-style sleeping facilities for 200; provides meals, coffee and snacks; and has an outdoor fire pit that can be used for evening gatherings. Registration begins on Friday at 2 pm, along with demonstrations of computer-based learning materials and videos. On Saturday and Sunday, there will be workshops and panel discussions on an array of topics. In the evenings, if weather allows, we will use the fire pit, with singing and storytelling, in conjunction with the California Indian Storyteller's Association.

The topics for this year's presentations are: Language Revitalization Methods and Strategies; Awakening Sleeping Languages; Language in Everyday Life; Language in Stories - Old and New; Funding Strategies; Federal Funding Workshop, and a Final Plenary Session: Tribal Leaders Forum on Language Revitalization. As always there will be notable keynote speakers, panels, workshops, resources and materials to help you with your language programs. If you are interested in one of the panels or have a topic or project you would like to present, please complete and return the presenter's form. The full cost for the weekend, which includes dorm space and all meals, is $160 per registrant prior to 2/15 and $175 after 2/15.

For questions, please call:
Marina Drummer at 510-655-8770: email, or
Leanne Hinton at 510-643-7621: email

Flashing Blue Bar

The UNC-Chapel Hill School of Public Health is proud to announce its 24th Annual Minority Health Conference, Friday, March 1, 2002. The William T. Small, Jr. Keynote Lecture will be delivered by Sherman A. James, PhD, a highly-respected social epidemiologist and Director of the Center for Research on Ethnicity, Culture and Health at the University of Michigan. He will speak on Social Determinants of Health Implications for Intervening on Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities.

Dr. James' remarks will be rebroadcast via satellite and on the Internet at 2:00 pm EST, after which Dr. James will respond to questions and comments from the satellite and Internet audience until 3:15 pm.

For information about:

Flashing Blue Bar

White House Internship Program


The White House Internship Program provides a unique opportunity for interns to observe government officials and gain practical knowledge about the daily operations of the White House. Interns learn how the federal government functions and how they can become a part of it.

Please read the White House Intern Application (pdf) as well as the White House Office descriptions carefully (link below). The office descriptions will help you in determining areas of interest and will allow you to make an informed decision as to which offices would best fit your qualifications. It is essential that the application is returned fully completed.

The application must be signed and submitted to Mike Sanders, White House Intern Coordinator, by the appropriate deadline. Semester dates are as follows:
  • Summer 2002-May 20 to August 16 (applications are due on March 22)
  • Fall 2002-September 3 to December 6 (applications are due on July 12)
  • Spring 2003-January 13 to May 9 (applications are due November 1)
All applicants must be 18 years of age and must be a United States citizen. Interns will be selected based on their application and interest in public service. Upon acceptance to the program, applicants will be subject to the following:
  • A security clearance prior to their start date in the White House.

  • Interns will be asked to sign a consent form acknowledging that internship appointments to the White House will be subject to random drug tests conducted throughout the course of their internship.
  • All of these security measures are confidential and are needed to protect the applicant as well as the Executive Office of the President.
All internships are unpaid positions that may not exceed 90 days. Each intern must provide his or her own housing and transportation.
Flashing Blue Bar



The Indian Resources Section, U.S. Department of Justice, Environment & Natural Resources Division is seeking experienced attorneys for the position of Trial Attorney in Washington, D.C. The Indian Resources Section represents the United States in its trust capacity in district court litigation for the benefit of Indiantribes and individual Indians. These suits include establishing water rights, protecting hunting and fishing rights, remedying trespasses on Indian lands, and establishing reservation boundaries and rights to land.

The Section also defends challenges to federal statutes, agency decisions, and programs designed to benefit Indian Country. The litigation is of vital interest to Indian tribes and often addresses issues of first impression. The litigation also typically raises novel legal issues, including constitutional questions, the scope of administrative review, and interpreting historical evidence that may be centuries old.

Applicants must possess a J.D. degree, be duly licensed and authorized to practice as an attorney under the laws of a State, territory, or the District of Columbia, and have at least two years of post-J.D. legal experience. Experience in litigation and knowledge of Indian law is highly desirable.

Applicants must submit a current resume or OF-612 (Optional Application for Federal Employment) and writing sample.

Applications may be mailed to the following address:

U.S. Department of Justice, ENRD
Indian Resources Section
Attn: Kristin Julier
P.O. Box 44378
L'Enfant Plaza Station
Washington, DC 20026-4378

Applications sent via overnight express delivery should be addressed to:

U.S. Department of Justice, ENRD
Indian Resources Section
Attn: Kristin Julier
601 D. Street, N.W., Room 3307
Washington, DC 20004

No telephone calls please.
Applications must be received by February 11, 2002.
Current salary and years of experience will determine the appropriate salary level in the GS-12 ($55,694 - $72,400) to GS-15 ($92,060 -$119,682) per annum range.
Flashing Blue Bar

"Building for the Seventh Generation:
Preserving Tribal Culture Through Governmental Reform"


Arizona State University College of Law's Indian Legal Program and the Trustees of the Goldwater Chair of American Institutions are co-sponsoring a symposium entitled "Building for the Seventh Generation: Preserving Tribal Culture Through Governmental Reform" at ASU College of Law in Tempe, Arizona March 6-7, 2002 from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Key speakers include Robert Clinton, Christine Zuni Cruz, Carol Goldberg, Peter Iverson, Frank Pommersheim, Robert Porter, Rebecca Tsosie, Peterson Zah and many more.

The registration fee is $50 and attorneys may claim 12 Continuing Legal Education Credits upon completion of this symposium.

For more information and to register on-line please visit the conference website at

If you have questions regarding the event you can contact Kate Rosier, Director of the Indian Legal Program at (480) 965-6204.

The event will be followed by the National Native American Law Students Association Moot Court Competition.

Flashing Blue Bar

Title: APS--Phillips Fund Grants for Native American Research
Sponsor: American Philosophical Society


The sponsor provides support for research in Native American linguistics and ethnohistory, and the history of studies of Native Americans in the continental United States and Canada. Eligible applicants are younger scholars who have received the doctorate and graduate students. Grants average $1,800 for one year.

Deadline(s): 03/01/2002


Address: 104 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106-3387
Program URL:

The sponsor provides support for research in Native American linguistics and ethnohistory, and the history of studies of Native Americans in the continental United States and Canada. Grants are not made for projects in archaeology, ethnography, psycholinguistics, or for the preparation of pedagogical materials. The committee distinguishes contemporary ethnography from ethnohistory as the study of cultures and culture change through time.
Flashing Blue Bar

Title: VAWO--Tribal Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
Coalitions Grant Program
Sponsor: Department of Justice



The sponsor provides support for the development and operation of nonprofit tribal domestic violence and sexual assault coalitions in Indian country. The purpose of the program is to build the capacity of survivors, advocates, and victim services providers to form nonprofit tribal doemstic violence and sexual assault coalitions to advance the goal of ending violence against American Indian and Alaska Native women. For FY 2002, $3.42 million has been appriated for the program.
Deadline(s): 02/12/2002
Contact: Paula S. Julian

Violence Against Women Office
810 Seventh Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20001

Program URL:
Tel: 202-305-2379
Applications must be submitted electronically through the OJP Grants Management System. The GMS Registration deadline is February 12, 2002. The application deadline is February 26, 2002.
The purpose of the program is to build the capacity of survivors, advocates, and victim services providers to form nonprofit tribal doemstic violence and sexual assault coalitions to advance the goal of ending violence against American Indian and Alaska Native women. A coalition is defined as a group of individuals, victim services providers and/or organizations working together in a common effort, for a common purpose to make more effective and efficient use of resources. The common purpose of tribal domestic violence and sexual assault coalitions must include the following: ending violence against Indian women; ensuring the safety of Indian victims of domestic violence and/or sexual assault; and promoting the accountability of offenders.
Flashing Blue Bar

Title: RFP-Diabetes Assessment
Sponsor: Indian Health Service


Deadline(s): 03/12/2002

Contact: Sandra Green


California Area Office
650 Capitol Mall, 3rd Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814



Tel: 916-930-3927

Fax: 916-930-3952


Sandra Green, Contract Specialist, Phone 916.930.3927, Fax 916.930.3952,
Harry Weiss, Contract Specialist, Phone 916.930.3927, Fax 916.930.3952,

Provide specific training and technical assistance to improve the availability and quality of diabetes data in California. The organization will provide expertise in the area of diabetes, epidemiology, RPMS computer system and experience working with tribal and urban Indian health programs. The organization will assess the ability and readiness of the individual Indian health program (29 tribal and 4 urban) to implement the RPMS diabetes case management system. This soliciation is being issued pursuant to 25 USC 47, the Buy Indian Act and as such, is restricted to organizations that are at least 51% owned and operated by American Indians or Alaskan Natives. All requests for this solicitation must be in writing and must contain documentation showing that the organization is eligible under the Buy Indian Act. Posted 01/24/02 (SN00018305). (0024)
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Title: Fulbright Grants--Canada: Native North American Scholarships
Sponsor: Institute of International Education

One scholarship is available to a U.S. citizen to conduct research or study in Canada. The award will be offered to students of North American origin only.

Deadline(s): 10/25/2002



Fulbright U.S. Student Program
809 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017-3580


Web Site:

Program URL:

Tel: 212-984-5330

Applications will be accepted between May 1, 2002 and October 25, 2002.
A scholarship is is available to support study or research in Canada in any field relevant to Canada or Canada-U.S. relations.
Flashing Blue Bar

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  Canku Ota is a free Newsletter celebrating Native America, its traditions and accomplishments . We do not provide subscriber or visitor names to anyone. Some articles presented in Canku Ota may contain copyright material. We have received appropriate permissions for republishing any articles. Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monetary gain to those who have expressed an interest. This is in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107.  

Canku Ota is a copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002 of Vicki Lockard and Paul Barry.


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Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 of Paul C. Barry.

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