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(Many Paths)

An Online Newsletter Celebrating Native America


January 26, 2002 - Issue 54


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  Here you will find listings of:  
  • Positions Available - including Fellowships and Internships;
  • Scholarship, Award and Grant Information; and
  • Event Announcements.
  • We receive these announcements from various sources including Harvard University Native American Program (HUNAP).
  • To view additional listing from previous issues, click here Opportunities Button


For a complete description of the Administrative Fellowship Program at Harvard, please visit:

Harvard University is currently seeking applicants for the 2002-2003 Administrative Fellowship Program. The Administrative Fellowship Program offers a twelve-month management experience complemented by a professional development program. AFP is a program designed for mid-career professionals with at least 5 years work experience.

The Program provides participants with opportunities to broaden their experience through working in an academic environment as a mid-level administrator. The Program seeks to enrich and diversify the Harvard community by bringing talented professionals to Cambridge.

The Program is in its thirteenth year of operation and will draw Fellows from business, government, education, and the professions. Each participant will receive a salary from Harvard University. All costs for the required educational seminar will be covered by Harvard University. Participants must secure and cover the cost of their housing.

The 2002-2003 Program will begin in September. Fellows are strongly urged to obtain leaves of absence from their current jobs. While the University will make every effort to place successful participants, there is no guarantee of permanent Harvard employment upon completion of the Program.

Fellows will participate in a seminar series in addition to a full-time work assignment. Seminars, lectures, and case studies have been designed to enhance management and administrative skills and to assist in self-assessment and development. The overall goal of the education program is to encourage Fellows to assess their own career development and to generate strategies for advancement.

Applicants must have a bachelors degree and at least five years of work experience.

The evaluation of applications will be based on professional and academic achievement, a written statement of purpose, and three letters of recommendation.

The final selection of Fellows will be based on interviews with the sponsoring Harvard schools and departments and suitability for the Program.

Please visit and read the section on FAQ's before requesting an application. To receive a copy of the application in PDF format, please download AFP 2002-03 Application from this website.

For more information, write or call:

Harvard University,
Office of the Assistant to The President,
1350 Massachusetts Avenue Holyoke Center, Room 935
Cambridge, MA 02138
Telephone: (617) 495-8919.

Flashing Blue Bar

Borealis Literary Review
1216 Selby Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55104
tel 651.646.3584
fax 651.646.3972

BLR does not accept unsolicited book reviews. To be considered for assignment please send a resume and clips of published reviews.


  1. We do not consider submissions sent via e-mail or fax. All submissions or queries must be accompanied by a postage-paid, self-addressed return envelope. Receipt of manuscript is not acknowledged unless it is accompanied by a return postcard for that purpose.
  2. Manuscripts should be submitted typed, double-spaced, and printed on only one side of white, 8.5"x 11"paper with 1"margins (poetry can be single-spaced). A brief cover letter is welcome. Please include your name on each page of the manuscript. We request that manuscripts not be folded to fit into an envelope.
  3. Multiple manuscripts are not accepted (with the exception of poetry). Please do not resubmit until you receive a response regarding the initial submission.
  4. Simultaneous submissions are accepted as long as we are informed of that fact and are promptly notified if the submission is accepted elsewhere.
  5. All manuscripts receive the thorough attention of one or more editors. Response time is generally three months. If we have not responded within three months you may then write to us to request an update on your submission.
  6. Writers will be consulted on all significant editing done to their work.
We publish color and black and white reproductions of photography, paintings, woodcuts, ink drawings, etc. Submissions should be in the form of original slides or high quality prints. Return and response follow the same guidelines listed above.
Rights and Payment:
BLR is a nonprofit magazine. Contributing writers receive an honorarium upon publication. BLR retains first North American serial rights and rights for possible inclusion in any future anthology of BLR writing. We reserve the right to use accepted material on our web site. The copyright remains that of the author.
Flashing Blue Bar

The University of Montana


The Health Careers Opportunity Program (HCOP) in the School of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences (SPAHS) at the University of Montana (UM) is recruiting for its 2002 summer program. HCOP will serve up to 50 students each summer in a six-week academic enrichment program. The students are paid a stipend to cover their room, board, and personal needs. Roundtrip travel to Missoula is also provided.

The students participate in 6 to 8 hours of educational activities six days per week. Recreational activities are scheduled every Sunday and participation is optional. The students are divided into two groups according to their level of chemistry background as indicated on their transcripts.

Program One students take courses in biology, writing skills, learning strategies, inorganic chemistry, and individualized mathematics.

Program Two students take courses in pharmaceutical calculations, statistics, physics, organic chemistry or biochemistry, anatomy & physiology (A & P), A & P lab, computers in health careers, and career related courses in pharmacy and physical therapy.

Students from both programs participate in microbiology, inspirational topics in biochemistry, small group discussions on health issues, weekly guest speakers, tutoring, financial aid workshops, advising, group meetings, job shadowing, research observation, and Saturday field trips.

Application deadline is March 1, 2002 although late applications may be considered if space is available. Required materials include a completed application, 2 recommendation forms and school transcripts. A selection committee reviews all applications and students are notified of acceptance by May 1st.

During the academic year, HCOP participants that attend UM are provided on-going student support services including referrals, free tutoring, books, mentoring, advising, social activities, special topic workshops, and other pertinent information via an e-mail list serve.

Detailed information as well as application forms can be accessed via the HCOP website:

or by calling Estella Archuleta @ (406)243-4095

or by e-mail:

Flashing Blue Bar

February 20-22, 2002
"Writing from Native Communities, Native Writing Communities"
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


Guest Readers and Presenters: Sherman Alexie, Simon Ortiz, Kateri Damm, Gordon Henry, Heid Erdrich, Victor Masayesva, LaVonne Ruoff, Lee Francis, Kimberly Blaeser, Michael Wilson, David Beaulieu

American Indian Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee invites you to participate in a conference that will focus from different angles on the survival of Native American communities in an increasingly transcultural world and on the roles Native literatures play in assuring the continuation of Indian Nations in the 21st Century. As a regional Wordcraft Circle of Native Writers and Storytellers event, the conference will look at contemporary literary works from various Indian nations through the presence of representatives from those Native communities and will examine how these writings contribute to the survival of Native history, values, and lifeways. Conference organizers are planning a broad range of events to be held in a variety of venues including the Milwaukee Indian Community School and Woodland Pattern Book Center. Bringing together diverse voices of the Milwaukee and Native communities, the conference will begin Wednesday evening with a reading by Sherman Alexie. Thursday's and Friday's events will include "No Ends to Native Communities," a symposium presented by UW-Milwaukee's Center for 21st Century Studies, featuring talks by Simon Ortiz, Kateri Damm, Gordon Henry and LaVonne Ruoff, workshops on publishing and filmmaking, hands-on writing opportunities, one-on-one mentoring sessions with established writers, readings by featured writers, a talk and film showing by Victor Masayesva, open mike opportunities for participants to read their own work, and a visit to an installation of work by Havasupi artist Edgar Heap of Birds. The conference will also sponsor a writing contest to encourage the recognition and continuation of Native Writing Communities and will include the invitation to submit to a special focus issue of UW-Milwaukee's Creative Writing Journal, The Cream City Review.

For registration and updated conference information, visit our Web site at,
or contact Beth Bretl at
or Kimberly Blaeser at

Flashing Blue Bar
Crew Leaders

Student Conservation Association, Inc.
Recruiting Department
P.O. Box 550
Charlestown, NH 03603


The Student Conservation Association is seeking qualified individuals to manage 4-5 week summer conservation work crew programs nationwide for high school volunteers in national parks, forests and other resource management areas. Proven youth leadership, camping/backpacking experience, and Wilderness First Aid (WFA, or equivalent) is required, Wilderness First Responder preferred. Trail construction skills and environmental education experience are highly desirable. Minimum age 21. Salary $300-540 weekly DOE, travel and training provided. WFA training available for nominal fee.

For information and an application, please contact

SCA, Attn: Crew Leader Recruiting,
PO Box 550,
Charlestown, NH 03603;
phone: 603-543-1700; or
visit our website at

Flashing Blue Bar

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of International Activities is seeking candidates for the position of Executive Assistant (GS-301-11/12 (BJP). The position is now open and closes January 28, 2002.

The announcement number is HQ-OIA-DE-2002-0012.

The vacancy announcement is attached but can also be viewed by clicking on the following links: or

Flashing Blue Bar

COLONIZE THIS! Young Women of Color on Today's Feminism
Great opportunity for young Native women to publish!


My name is Daisy Hernandez. I'm a co-editor of the upcoming anthology from Seal Press, COLONIZE THIS! YOUNG WOMEN OF COLOR ON TODAY'S FEMINISM. I'm seeking Native American women writers (who are 35 and under) to contribute their personal essays to this anthology and am hoping you will help me spread the word. The call is below. Thank you so much!

Anyone who's interested can email me at

Some say young women today have been raised with "feminism in the water," but is it the water you've been drinking? What is your story about living with feminism in the U.S., while your grandmothers and cousins live in "developing" countries under different conditions? When it comes to sisterhood, what bridges and divides do you see with issues of race, class, and gender in your own life? How do you create a feminism that takes into account your cultural and racial heritage?

We are looking for personal essays about feminism by young women of color for an anthology to be published by Seal Press. As young women of color, our feminism often works in the context of other struggles. We meet in artistic communities, in schools, at protest rallies, while dancing in clubs or advocating for immigrant rights, lesbian rights, and tenants' rights. We may call ourselves womanists, mujeristas, or humanists instead of feminists. We are strong in number and yet few books focus on the feminism of women of color who are in their twenties and thirties.

Little is written about the ways in which class and race intersect for young women today, or how the increase of immigrant and first.

The experience of being an outsider is one that is all too common for women of color. However it is also an experience that gives us a unique perspective on the world---a critical view leading to creative solutions. Feminism has never worn one (white) face, despite what the media says. With this book, we hope to create a rich and varied collection of personal essays that reflect the ways in which young women of color approach feminism.

Length: 3,000-5,000 words

Contributors: Women of color in their late teens, twenties and thirties.

To find out about contributing email Daisy Hernandez at

Flashing Blue Bar

"We are looking for a cultural anthropologist to help prepare the Nipmuc Nation's response to the BIA's negative proposed finding for Federal acknowledgment. The job would be to draft a community study for the period 1930 to the present based on documentary and oral history evidence that is already extant. We would prefer to have someone rather local to Massachusetts, familiar with the cultural context of New England Indians, oral history interviewing, and the BIA's mandatory criteria for Federal acknowledgment. The time lines are tight, so we need someone who could devote at least 3/4 of their time over the next couple months.

Hourly rates are negotiable.

Any potential candidates should contact me at this e-mail address or at
or at Morgan, Angel and Associates, Washington, DC at (202) 265-1833, ext. 16."

Flashing Blue Bar

Welcome to the
Feb. 3-5, 2002
Anchorage, Alaska
"Nurturing Continuous Growth"



Alaska Native Educators have recently formed a series of regional associations to support initiatives aimed at addressing issues related to Alaska Native education.

A Planning Committee made up of representatives from these associations will serve as the host for the 2002 Native Educators' Conference, to be held in conjunction with the annual Alaska Bilingual/Multicultural Education/Equity Conference. The purpose of the Native Educators' Conference is to provide an opportunity for people engaged in education impacting Native people to come together and learn from each other's work, and to explore ways to strengthen the links between education and the cultural well-being of indigenous people.

2001 THEME:
Nurturing Continuous Growth For the past four years, the metaphor for the theme of the Native Educators' Conference has been a tree. With nurturing from the Elders, we have gone from "weaving the roots" (1998) to "strengthening the branches" (1999) to "bearing the fruits" (2000), and in 2001 to "sharing the harvest." The tree of knowledge continues to grow and produce life-giving food for thought as reflected in the rich work presented in the NEC program. The significance of sharing the generosity of a tree is reflected in the words of ???
The Native Educators' Conference is being held in conjunction with the annual Alaska Bilingual/Multicultural Education/Equity Conference, which follows on Feb. 6-8. A pre-conference work-session has been scheduled for the afternoon of Sunday, Feb. 3rd, focusing on the "Guidelines for Culturally Responsive School Boards." Draft documents outlining some of the current thinking on criteria for such guidelines will be available for consideration leading to the development and adoption of a set of guidelines for schools and communities throughout Alaska. The remainder of the Native Educators' Conference has been organized into plenary sessions and concurrent presentations to provide an opportunity for presenters to describe the work they are doing and identify issues of mutual concern. Special consideration has been given to issues associated with the documentation of indigenous knowledge systems and the implications of indigenous knowledge, ways of knowing and world views for the way we do education.
Flashing Blue Bar

SACNAS (Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science)
Executive Director


The Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science, through its Board of Directors, is seeking qualified applicants for the position of executive director.

The Society's mission is to encourage Chicano/Latino and Native American students to pursue graduate education and obtain the advanced degrees necessary for research careers and science teaching professions at all levels.

The executive director will be responsible for developing a long range strategic plan, soliciting and administering government and private grants, soliciting major gifts from individuals, developing corporate and foundation support, and managing daily operations. Travel is required.

The ideal candidate must possess sound leadership and administrative qualities, excellent interpersonal and communication skills with a focus on writing and public speaking ability, a recent involvement in fund raising with a minimum of three years or comparable experience in general fund raising, grant writing and grants management.

Please send resume along with names, addresses and phone numbers of three professional references, a description of recent fund raising successes and salary requirements to:

Executive Search Committee
P.O. Box 8526
Santa Cruz, California 95061-8526


SACNAS is headquartered in Santa Cruz, California, and is an equal opportunity employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

Screening of applications will begin on Nov. 30 and will continue until the position is filled

Flashing Blue Bar

DEPARTMENT: Research and Education



The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), the Newberry Library and the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) seek to make a joint appointment in American Indian Studies. The successful applicant will be appointed to a tenured position (at the rank of Associate Professor or higher) in the appropriate department at UIC (e.g., History, Anthropology, English, Art History) and will become Director of the CIC American Indian Studies Program and the Newberry's D'Arcy McNickle Center for American Indian History.
The position will involve:
  • Half-time teaching responsibilities at UIC
  • Administration of an innovative graduate program in American Indian Studies that will begin operation in the fall of 2002
  • Direction of a research center with a distinguished record of publications, institutes and seminars, exhibits, and other activities that promote the use of the Newberry Library's collections in American Indian Studies
The CIC program will be headquartered at the Newberry Library and will be supported by, and draw on the faculty and resources of, the eleven universities in the "Big Ten," the University of Chicago, and the University of Illinois at Chicago. An assistant director and administrative assistant will provide administrative support at the Newberry. Applicants should be individuals with significant scholarly achievements in any relevant discipline and research interests compatible with the Newberry Library's collections in American Indian Studies. Preference will be given to applicants with administrative experience and with experience working in collaboration with Native American communities.

Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until position is filled; to receive full consideration an application should be received by January 31. Applicants should send a letter ofapplication and their curriculum vitae to:

Lawrence Poston
Senior Associate Dean
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (MC 228)
University of Illinois at Chicago
601 South Morgan Street
Chicago, IL 60607-7104


The University of Illinois at Chicago and the Newberry Library are Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employers.

Flashing Blue Bar

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  Canku Ota is a free Newsletter celebrating Native America, its traditions and accomplishments . We do not provide subscriber or visitor names to anyone. Some articles presented in Canku Ota may contain copyright material. We have received appropriate permissions for republishing any articles. Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monetary gain to those who have expressed an interest. This is in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107.  

Canku Ota is a copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002 of Vicki Lockard and Paul Barry.


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The "Canku Ota - A Newsletter Celebrating Native America" web site and its design is the

Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 of Paul C. Barry.

All Rights Reserved.