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(Many Paths)

An Online Newsletter Celebrating Native America


October 20, 2001 - Issue 47


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Executive Education Seminar
Tribal Chief Executives
November 14-16, 2001
Tucson, Arizona

The Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management and Policy (NNI) announces an exclusive educational retreat for tribal chief executives only. This seminar will be conducted by NNI and The Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development on November 14-16, 2001 at The University of Arizona in Tucson. For more information on the seminar and how to register please contact Emily Chiles, Office Specialist, or Joan Timeche, Assistant Director. Register now as early registration ends October 31st.

Phone (520) 884-4393
Fax (520) 884-4702

For more information, visit

Flashing Blue Bar


New Mexico State University invites applications and nominations for the position of Vice President of Student Services/Dean of Students. NMSU is located in southern New Mexico and is the states land-grant institution. The school is one of 152 institutions on the Carnegie Foundations list of Doctoral/Research-Extensive universities. NMSU is a Title III Minority Institution, and is a member of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities. New Mexico State University serves a multi-cultural student population of more than 15,000 on the main campus and an additional 8,000 on four two-year branch campuses.

The Vice President of Student Services/Dean of Students reports directly to the President and coordinates closely with the Provost/Chief Academic Officer regarding student and academic affairs. The Vice President is responsible for providing leadership, vision, and strong strategic direction to reporting units which include Enrollment Management, Undergraduate Admissions, Financial Aid, Registrar, New Student Orientation Programs, Athletic Eligibility, Campus Activities, Corbett Center (Student Union), Student Judicial Affairs, Center for Learning Assistance & Retention, Ethnic Programs, Associated Students of NMSU, Bookstore, Counseling and Student Development, Housing and Dining Services, Placement and Career Services, Student Health Services, and liaisons with the branch campuses on student services issues. The Vice President of Student Services/Dean of Students is expected to promote and develop a vibrant and stimulating community for students through support of the organizations, activities, and events that contribute to the cultural, intellectual, and recreational life of the campus and provide leadership in the provision of services that encourage and enable student development, well-being, and success.

Candidates must have an earned doctorate degree from an accredited institution of higher education, and must have demonstrated leadership skills with a record of outstanding achievement as a senior member of a management team at a university with a highly regarded student services program. Candidates must have knowledge and experience in the recruitment and retention of graduation initiatives; demonstrated commitment to the education, development, and empowerment of all students; excellent personnel and budget management skills; a sustained record and commitment to diversity that encourages inclusion and participation by all; and appreciation for working within and contributing to a highly collaborative community that values consensus. Candidates must demonstrate a current understanding of student issues and of legal issues affecting students and the management of student services programs.

Screening of applications will begin November 8, 2001 and will continue until the position is filled. Offer of employment is contingent upon verification of individuals eligibility for employment in the United States. To apply, send a letter of interest, curriculum vita, and the names and contact information for at least three references to:

Vice President of Student Services/Dean of Students Search & Screening Committee
New Mexico State University
Office of the Provost
P.O. Box 30001, MSC 3445
Las Cruces, NM 88003

New Mexico State University is an equal employment opportunity/affirmative action employer
For more information about New Mexico State University, visit the Web site at:

Flashing Blue Bar

32nd Annual Convention of the National Indian Education Association (NIEA)
October 27-31, 2001
Billings, Montana, Holiday Inn and Arena

'Connecting to the Spirit of Traditional Wisdom'

We have received several calls regarding whether the 2001 Annual Convention will be held. Be assured that NIEA plans to hold our annual convention as planned. See you in Billings in October.
-NIEA President, Carole Anne Heart

Call to Conference Book (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Research Strand 'Call for Papers' deadline extended to Sept. 3

Pre-Registration Information Pre-Reg Deadline 10/5
Non-Student Registration Pre-Reg Deadline 10/5
Student Registration Pre-Reg Deadline 10/5

Exhibits Deadline 8/31

Hotels Conference Hotel is sold out! - Others available Please Note: The phone number for the Billings Super 8 Lodge is wrong in the CTC. The correct number is 406-248-8842.

Flashing Blue Bar


The purpose of AFN is to bring all the Alaska Native governments and peoples together in order to create solutions and ideas to further the development of our people socially, politically and economically.

The Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) Convention in Anchorage, Alaska, October 25th through October 27th.

Convention Coordinator - Dorothy Larson
Exhibits Coordinator - Alissa Herrman
Elders & Youth Coordinator - Sharon Eluska
AFN Leadership Development Conference - Jaylene Wheeler
Arts & Crafts Fair - Shirley Moto
Dance Groups - Gail Pass

Tickets for evening events on sale at AFN information desk at the Egan Center.

October 22, Monday
Elders & Youth Registration | 8am - 5pm (Egan Center, lower level)
Elders & Youth Conference | 9am - 5pm
Elders & Youth Exhibits | 9am - 5pm
Cultural Night | 7pm Tickets $5.00

October 23, Tuesday
Elders & Youth Conference | 9am - 12noon
Elders & Youth Exhibits | 9am - 5pm
Elders Dinner @ PEX | RSVP only
Youth Dance | 7pm

October 24, Wednesday
Elders & Youth Conference | 9am - 5pm
Leadership Development Conference | 9am - 5pm
view the agenda for this conference
Job Fair | 9am - 5pm
Elders & Youth Exhibits | 9am - 5pm
Main Convention Delegate EARLY Registration | 1pm - 4pm (Egan Center, lower level)
Quyana Alaska 1 | Sullivan Arena 7pm-11pm

October 25, Thursday
Annual Convention | 9am - 5pm
Registration | 8am - 5pm (Egan Center Lower level)
Arts & Crafts Fair | 9am - 4:30pm (Egan Center, lower level)
Quyana Alaska 2 | 7pm-11pm (Egan Center, lower level)

October 26, Friday
Annual Convention | 9am - 5pm
Registration | 8am - 5pm (Egan Center Lower level)
Arts & Crafts Fair | 9am - 4:30pm (Egan Center, lower level)

October 27, Saturday
Annual Convention | 9am - 4pm
Arts & Crafts Fair | 9am - 3:30pm (Egan Center, lower level)
AFN Banquet | Dinner 8pm

Flashing Blue Bar

Field Readers Needed

If you are interested in juvenile justice in Indian Country the Juvenile Justice Resource Center would like to talk with you.

Every year the JJRC funds program to research and promote juvenile justice on reservations and urban native communities. In an effort to insure Indian input in the decision making process field readers are needed to review proposals. If you are interested contact:

Yanique Edmond
Aspen Systems Corporation

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National Science Foundation
NSF Graduate Research Fellowships
Three-year graduate fellowships in science, mathematics, and engineering.

$20,500 stipend for twelve-month tenure; cost-of-education allowance of $10,500 per tenure year; and a one-time $1,000 International research Travel Allowance.

Application Deadline: November 7, 2001

Visit for all materials and information.

Flashing Blue Bar


DATE: 10/2/2001

The goal of the Indian Land Tenure Foundation is to ensure lands within the original boundaries of every reservation and other areas of high significance where tribes retain aboriginal interest in the Northwest Area Foundation's region are in Indian Land ownership and management. This will be accomplished through the following strategic initiatives:

  • Educate every Indian Landowner about Indian land tenure issues so that knowledge becomes power when decisions to create positive futures are made
  • Increase economic assets of Indian Landowners by gaining control of Indian lands and by creating financial models that convert land into leverage
  • Use Indian land to help Indian people discover their culture
  • Reform legal mechanisms governing sovereignty of Indian land to recapture physical, cultural, and economic assets of Indian people

The work of the ILTF will be to engage tribes, tribal and Indian land-related organizations, and other appropriate entities to educate, encourage, and empower Indian landowners through Investment Project activities.

The Executive Director is responsible to the Board for applying the principle of inclusiveness, reducing poverty, learning, and self determination in leadership, delivery of project support to Investment Projects, program support to the Board, and management and accounting for the ILTF funds.


  • Facilitate and activate the vision of the Board
  • Serve as primary contact for all ILTF communication
  • Manage reporting relationship with foundation staff
  • Facilitate all operating and grant fund management
  • Identify and evaluate Investment Projects
  • Identify and secure resource development opportunities


  • Understand existing and current Indian land tenure principles, issues, organizations, and activities
  • Experience working with Indian tribes, related state, federal and inter-tribal organizations, and institutions providing services to tribes, particularly in the Foundation's service region (Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon)
  • Ability to navigate the multi-dimensional nature of the aforementioned organizations
  • Contract negotiation capabilities
  • Personnel management capabilities
  • Exceptional written and verbal communication

Use the following methods to express your interest in assisting the Indian Land Tenure Foundation in achieving its goals:

1217 Seminole
West St. Paul, MN 55118
Phone: 651-338-8140


Please include experiences that highlight your abilities as they relate to the information above. Please limit your submissions to four pages, and understand that your submission will be evaluated based upon experience
with the issues outlined and your ability to present your case based upon your experiences. Also, note that finalists will be required to show samples of successful grants and other program related experiences.

Flashing Blue Bar

Title: PNM Foundation--Grants Program
Sponsor: PNM Foundation

Support is provided for projects that improve the community and quality of life in New Mexico. In general, the Foundation limits its grants to entities and organizations within the state of New Mexico. The minimum grant generally considered is $5,000.

Deadline(s): 01/15/2002

Address: Alvarado Square
M.S. 1110
Albuquerque, NM 87158
Program URL:
Tel: 505-241-2209

DEADLINE NOTE: Proposals and requests may be submitted at any time. The sponsor meets three times during the year to review and apporve proposals for funding.

Appl Type(s): Non-Profit Tax-exempt
Geo. Restricted: NEW MEXICO

OBJECTIVES: The sponsor seeks to fund projects that can be replicated across the state, that are funded jointly with local or other funding sources, and that affect a large number of people. Proposals that involve children, senior citizens, minorities, and low or fixed income families receive special consideration. The sponsor currently considers requests in the following areas:

EDUCATION: The sponsor places a high priority on proposals that improve teaching skills and teacher effectiveness.

HIGHER EDUCATION: The sponsor looks for proposals that improve the technical skill base of the current or future work force, provide life-long learning opportunities, and enhance education delivery through teacher training.

K-12 EDUCATION: Proposals that address staying in school, support pilot initiatives, and promote identifiable subject-emphasized activities that enhance student well-being are encouraged by the sponsor.

HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES: programs that affect day care, elder care, and school-focused health and human services with particular emphasis on school site based activities are encouraged.

ELIGIBILITY: Priority is given to areas of the state served by PNM or where PNM has an interest. (skr)

Flashing Blue Bar

Job Announcement for the Position of Executive Director

The Fund of the Four Directions is a national Native American public foundation based in New York City. The Fund of the Four Directions supports the movement of indigenous peoples towards maintaining and reintegrating cultural integrity within our communities. Through grantmaking, capacity building, advocacy and collaboration, the Fund fosters the empowerment of indigenous communities in North America to implement solutions that are consistent with and revitalize indigenous ways and concepts. The Fund focuses its grantmaking to Native Nations and indigenous controlled community-based, local, regional, and national organizations which work to revitalize the life, languages, and cultures of Native Americans, principally in North America. Through our programmatic focus, the Fund promotes and upholds the cultural and spiritual survival of indigenous peoples.

The Executive Director directs and oversees all aspects of the development and operation of the Fund of the Four Directions which includes fiscal and administrative planning and management including investment of assets, grantmaking, philanthropic advocacy, and fundraising. The Executive Director is the primary fundraiser and implements and coordinates all aspects of a diversified development and fundraising program including an endowment campaign. The Executive Director reports to the Board of Directors. The Executive Director supervises and collaborates with a program officer/administrator who provides support for administration and grantmaking. Program responsibilities include providing oversight and direction to the Fund's grantmaking program and technical assistance. The Executive Director works closely with an active working Board of Directors in strategic planning, development of policy, and coordination of Board involvement in the Fund

We would prefer to have a qualified Native American who meets all of the criteria or who demonstrates this potential. Commitment to the vision and mission of the Fund of the Four Directions. Minimum of five year's experience in program or organizational management; Experience in community organizing and advocacy; Native American cultural background and language proficiency desirable; Strong analytical, organizational, and multi-tasking skills; Strong writing and presentation skills; Creative thinker and good sense of humor;

Salary: $50 - 55,000 commensurate with experience plus benefits. Equal opportunity employer.

Please send resume with cover letter to:
Kent Lebsock, Board of Directors, Fund of the Four Directions,
11 Park Place, Suite 1203, New York, New York 10007-2801
(212) 406-2206; FAX (212) 406-2254; email

Flashing Blue Bar

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  Canku Ota is a free Newsletter celebrating Native America, its traditions and accomplishments . We do not provide subscriber or visitor names to anyone. Some articles presented in Canku Ota may contain copyright material. We have received appropriate permissions for republishing any articles. Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monetary gain to those who have expressed an interest. This is in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107.  

Canku Ota is a copyright © 2000, 2001 of Vicki Lockard and Paul Barry.


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The "Canku Ota - A Newsletter Celebrating Native America" web site and its design is the

Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2001 of Paul C. Barry.

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